How you end your workweek has a huge impact on how productive you are the following week. Here are 5 things successful people typically do on a Friday.
1. Reflect on their accomplishments from the week. Instead of wallowing over what you didn’t accomplish, flip that around and remind yourself of just how much progress you did make. “Small wins” are still wins!
2. They figure out their priorities for the following week. It’s important to take time on Friday just to reflect on your professional and personal life. Then try and determine three to five major priorities you want to accomplish for each that following week.
3. They establish a schedule and to-do list for the following week. Don’t just prioritize; plan. Assign each priority a deadline and try having a plan mapped out in your mind for Monday already. It makes for a more restful weekend!
4. They carve out downtime for the following week. To avoid falling into a workaholic trap, think about how you can maintain a work-life balance the following week.
5. They plan a fun Friday activity! It’s important to set technology ground rules and create a definitive divide between your workweek and weekend.