My family and I made a recent trip to the beach. We just love the ocean. Such a calming experience on most occasions. Salty notes from the sea fill the air. Sounds of water in motion produce an abundance of negative ions, which recharge us, providing increased energy and vitality.
As I wade in the ocean, my eyes closed taking it all in, out of nowhere a forceful wave crashed into me. It literally knocked me down and pulled me under in a matter of seconds. I was so caught in the moment that I didn’t even see it coming. Completely caught off guard, I found myself at the mercy of the ocean’s relentless current and waves.
As I attempt to surface, struggling to regain my stance, I think to myself “what a life lesson”! You see, life just like ocean waves, can suddenly turn and become unmanageable. Every time you step into the ocean it’s a risk. We cannot fully predict our experience. It takes courage to face and be vulnerable to the sea. In comparison, life in general is very risky and unpredictable. It may, out of nowhere and when least expected, knock us down and pull us under. But the strength we get from facing the roughness of life’s “relentless waves and currents” is worth bracing ourselves. Once you fight through them and regain your stance, the entire “ocean” is yours! Let us continue finding the courage to face each day during these trying times with a positive mental attitude and hope.